The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation

Black Women's Roundtable

Black Women’s Roundtable Policy Statement

Black Women’s Roundtable Policy Statement
National Members
Recent Accomplishments
Whispering Out Loud Op-Ed Series

The National Coalition Black Women’s Roundtable promotes public policies that ensure stable families and a prepared workforce for today and tomorrow. BWR believes that there must be intentional efforts, including program development, funding, staffing, administrative practice and rule of law to ensure genuine equity -- especially for women, communities of color, low income communities and others that have been traditionally left out of the policymaking arena. Key areas of focus include:

Health and Wellness

BWR supports health policies that deliver quality health care for all, strengthens the safety net for America’s most vulnerable communities, and addresses disparities in care -- particularly for children, the elderly, persons living with HIV/AIDS, and low-income families. BWR encourages prevention policies that increase research for diseases adversely impacting women and communities of color. BWR supports wellness policies that increase access to physical fitness and mental health services.

Economic Security

BWR promotes effective economic policies that prioritize investment in human capital, creates new market high-wage jobs, supports small businesses, facilitates entrepreneurship, and builds sustainable comprehensive neighborhood revitalization by investing in existing community assets. BWR supports policies that seek to expand the middle class, reduce wealth disparities, and improve financial literacy. BWR believes that eradicating poverty should be a policy priority, as it is the key to rebuilding and sustaining a strong domestic and global economy.


BWR encourages increased investment in a culturally responsive educational platform that aggressively tackles achievement disparities in underserved and underachieving public schools. BWR supports increasing opportunities for girls and women to participate in the sciences, technology and training for the new green-jobs economy. BWR promotes mentoring as a pipeline to college for low-income, traditionally underserved students and as a simple, low-cost solution to the massive social problems impacting the lives and communities of too many of our nation’s young people. BWR encourages affordable higher-education opportunities and increased support of Historically Black Colleges and Universities.

Global Empowerment

BWR supports alliances between the United States and the African Diaspora that expand economic opportunities, gender equity, human rights and eradicating violence against women. BWR encourages partnerships that foster sustainable growth in emerging communities around the world.

Black Women’s Roundtable Policy Statement | National Members | Recent Accomplishments | Whispering Out Loud Op-Ed Series

National Coalition on Black Civic Participation | 1300 L. Street NW, 2nd Floor, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20005, USA.

Phone: (202) 659-4929 |

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