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About BYV! iThink 2012 Campaign
Our History & Mission
Ithink2012 is the campaign for Black Youth Votes 2012 election cycle. Amidst all of the issues surrounding our youth it is imperative we continue to motivate, engage and train our youth and young adults to continue being civically engaged in their communities. The ITHINK2012 campaign has partnered with different non partisan organizations to accomplish goals in voter registration, education and activation. Black Youth Vote, encourages the youth to actively participate and vote on issues, affecting youth nationwide.
The Ithink2012 Campaign would not be possible without our supporters, Thank you to Open Society Foundation,Workers Voices, Youth Engagement Fund, Tides Foundation-BCEF
iThink 2012 Goals
- Voter registration: register our youth
- Motivate the youth to Vote in this 2012 election
- Recruit Black Males for Poll workers and Poll Monitors across our targeted states
- BYV! will engage, train and educate young and exisiting voters
How Can You Help?
Volunteer today!
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Follow us on Twitter @BlackYouthVote #Vote4Justice