Black Women's Roundtable
Black Women’s Roundtable Policy Statement
National Members
Recent Accomplishments
Whispering Out Loud Op-Ed Series
In December 0f 2015 the Black Women's Roundtable launched its 2016 Election Voter Guide which included information on voter registration, state Presidential primaries and various candidates.
Several prominent national civic leaders, media celebrities and community joined Melanie L. Campbell, convener of the Black Women's Roundtable including April D. Ryan, White House Correspondent for American Urban Radio Networks, CNN political analyst Tara Setmayer, Author and Leader Development Expert Avis Jones-DeWeever and Unity'16 Campaign Manager Holli Holliday.

The Black Women’s Roundtable and ESSENCE August 2015 launched its Power of the Sister Vote poll--aimed at more than 10,000 women. The survey will focus on the 2016 election and gauge the key issues Black women want addressed by the next President of the United States of America.
“The Black Women’s Roundtable is thrilled to partner with ESSENCE to ensure Black women’s voices and issues are elevated in the 2016 presidential election cycle. We believe it is vital for all candidates seeking to become the next president of the United States of America to know what Black women want for ourvote,” said Melanie Campbell, National Convener, Black Women’s Roundtable and President & CEO, National Coalition on Black Civic Participation.
Results from the Power of the Sister Vote survey will be released at the 7th Annual BWR Policy Forum Series and Press Conference during the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s Annual Legislative Conference on September 16, 2015 in Washington, DC, which will be co-hosted by the Black Women’s Roundtable, ESSENCE and the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation.
“We believe that our partnership with the Black Women’s Roundtable will empower women to share their opinions, leverage their influence and ultimately affect change in the lead-up to the 2016 election and beyond,” said Vanessa De Luca, ESSENCE Editor-in-Chief.
ESSENCE and the Black Women’s Roundtable announced its partnership during the ESSENCE Festival in New Orleans last month. In addition to the Power of the Sister Vote survey, the partnership will include ESSENCE’s participation in the Black Women Roundtable’s Healthy, Wealthy & Wise Empowerment Tour to address income inequality, health justice, criminal justice and retirement security; running through September 2015. The tour will provide women across the country with tools and resources on economic empowerment, entrepreneurship, holistic health, civic engagement and leadership development. The multi-city event is led by the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation state-based affiliates, as well as the Black Women’s Roundtable networks and partners in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Washington, DC.
Here's the Essence story about the survey.
BWR Healthy Wealthy Wise Tour State Reports
The Black Women’s Roundtable Healthy, Wealthy & Wise Empowerment Tour is supported by AARP, the Ford Foundation, The Coca-Cola Foundation and the Moriah Fund.
BWR Healthy Wealthy & Wise State Reports from National Coalition on Vimeo.
Healthy Wealthy & Wise Tour Highlights- Florida
"We chose the campus of Bethune-Cookman University and the Harry T. & Harriette Moore Memorial Park for its historic value," added Salandra Hanna, Convener, Florida Coalition on Black Civic Participation, NCBCP,"…and that these two locations serve as a reminder of the Civil Rights struggles as we celebrate Black History Month and empower women and girls to truly live healthier, wealthier and wiser lives."
Click here to view Healthy Wealthy & Wise Tour Highlights from Florida.
Healthy Wealthy & Wise Tour Highlights- New Orleans, Louisiana
“The National Coalition has a long history in the Gulf Coast Region and has been working to support our affiliates in Alabama, Louisiana and Mississippi impacted by Katrina-Rita with recovery and rebuilding over the past five years,” Campbell said. “Now, these same communities are in crisis again due to the recent oil spill. To assist communities impacted, it was imperative that we launch our initiative in the Gulf Coast cities of New Orleans, Mobile, Alabama and Gulfport/Biloxi, Mississippi.”
Click here to view Healthy Wealthy & Wise Tour Highlights from New Orleans
Unity Power of the Sister Vote
Sistaz Can We Talk? from URBAN INTELLIGENCE on Vimeo.
Whispering Out-Loud Op-Ed Series
In March 2009, National Women’s History Month, The National Coalition on Black Civic Participation officially launched the Black Women’s Roundtable “Whispering Out Loud” weekly op-ed series in partnership with the National Newspaper Publishers Foundation. The editorials are solution-focused to address critical issues that impact women – the economy, health care, education and the environment – placing a special emphasis on what Black women seek and expect from the Obama-Biden Administration and the 111th Congress during the First 100 Days and beyond. The op-ed series also includes what the Black community and each of us must do to save and protect our children, families, communities and our planet.
BWR Unity ’08 “Power of the Sister Vote”
Civic Education and Mobilization Campaign increases African American female participation in the electoral process. Partners in the Power of the Sister Vote Campaign inform African American women of the importance of participation. Our efforts to mobilize and engage women included a National Coalition Briefing and Listening session that included presentations on leveraging the economic power of Black women and maximizing Black women’s voice and visibility. Following the briefing, The National Coalition produced and distributed a summary indicating where many Presidential candidates stood on issues important to women, arming them with the tools to make informed decisions when casting their vote.
Gulf Coast Recovery and Rebuilding
The National Coalition Black Women’s Roundtable Civic Engagement Project in 2008 partnered in the targeted Gulf Coast states -- Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama -- with local groups to serve as hosting organizations by assisting with coordination of the Gulf Coast Civic Engagement Project and identifying community-based organizations to receive mini-grants. Through the Gulf Coast Civic Engagement Project, The National Coalition supported projects that increased civic engagement among women and youth of the Gulf Coast region, which included Election Education events, Voter Registration, and rides to the polls on Election Day.
The National Coalition Black Women’s Roundtable Celebrate Our Sisters of Gulf Coast Wellness Journey, August 27-29, 2007 Incorporating the mission of Black Women’s Roundtable – to promote healthy families – we returned to New Orleans to commemorate the second anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Co-Sponsored by the Ms. Foundation for Women, 21st Century Foundation, AFL-CIO and others, the Wellness Journey assisted 150 women survivors and advocates of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita to recover, renew, and rejuvenate themselves, and included community service projects, health and wellness education and civic engagement briefings.
Black Women’s Roundtable Policy Statement | National Members | Recent Accomplishments | Whispering Out Loud Op-Ed Series